Essential Information for Family Legal Matters

Served with a Summons for a Violation of Support Order?
This paperwork is also referred to as a summons, support violation or a child support...

Parent’s Rights Attorney
Parent’s Rights Attorney In many divorce and family law matters involving children, there are numerous...

Equitable Distribution, Marital Property and Separate (Non-Marital) Property
What does equitable distribution mean? Under New York Law, marital property is divided between the...

How To Help Yourself In A Divorce With Children
Every divorce is different but there are some things that tend to be common. There...

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in New York?
The fee for a divorce varies and is based on the amount of legal time...

Uncontested Divorce in Syracuse New York
Your divorce will be considered uncontested if both you and your spouse want to get...

Syracuse Divorce Lawyer Offering Free Consultations with Critical Divorce Information
We always offer free consultations to help people navigate through the complex divorce process and...

Child Support and its Calculation in New York
Child support is financial support provided by the noncustodial parent. Child support includes: Cash payments...