Family Law

Child support and spousal maintenance (alimony) exceeding the applicable cap in New York.
As of 2024, the income threshold for child support calculations has been adjusted to $183,000,...

Syracuse Divorce Lawyer assisting Doctors, Nurses and Hospital Staff
As an experienced Syracuse divorce lawyer helping people in various fields...

Questions to ask divorce lawyer at first meeting
Top 5 Questions to Ask a Divorce Attorney Choosing a...

Mediation vs. Divorce
The difference between mediation and hiring a divorce attorney is significant. In summary, a divorce...

The problem with Joint Legal Custody in New York
Joint Legal Custody refers to decision making by parents for their minor children as it...

What’s so great about the “BALD” Lawyer?
Best Michael E. Underwood is an experienced matrimonial attorney, highly regarded within the State of...

How Long Does a Divorce Take in NY?
In an uncontested divorce, my office usually prepares the necessary divorce documents in about 2...

Syracuse Mother’s Rights Lawyer
Syracuse Mother's Rights Lawyer Part of our practice includes work helping mothers in divorce, search...